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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Maguire

Small Animal Internships Start... and Childhood is Gone

Starting off the week of May 8th, 2022, I was a little nervous going into my first internship with a small animal practice. It is a big jump and an early one might I add for me. I am just now going into my Junior year of my Biology undergrad with my prerequisites so, doing a full-blown internship 32-35 hours a week with little experience prior is a nerve wreck for sure. However, I found myself with familiar colleagues that also were doing internships at the practice. I guess that's not so bad right?

I started by setting up my schedule all nice in my spiffy polo from school and had nice khakis on, all dolled up, the whole nine yards. I definitely will not be this nice after a week or two though; I will probs come in all sleep deprived and messy if it's as demanding as I thought it was going to be. I met some of the staff while I was there the first week, and everyone was nice or nice-ish at least. The other interns warned me of how demanding it was there and definitely made me shit my pants a little bit if I'm being honest; how am I going to compete with these people that are graduating a whole year before me?

As for the technical side of the first week, it was pretty dull. I was just learning the basics of how to take wellness and vaccination history as well as cleaning. I mean I already knew how to clean, none the less there I was dumbfounded with a plastic-looking toothbrush and dirty dried blood-filled surgery tools.

It was a stressful week for my social battery and my watch definitely picked up on that with the stress level warnings when I got home those first few nights...

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